
Buying Power / Expertise & Experience

Volume buying and aggregation have been an undeniably advantageous way to save money and avoid costs. Our Board of Directors and stakeholders have formed a partnership with a highly reputable, well-established Rhode Island firm, Best Practice Energy LLC. This group has a team of industry experts, engineers and professionals that are committed to delivering the intended value of energy deregulation and competition.

Best Practice Energy manages a multi-million dollar portfolio of commodity and procurement customers locally and nationally. This partnership has provided CEO members access to the best in energy consulting and the best in competitive sourcing and spot market competition.

Compliance & Reporting


Collaborative Energy Options members can rest assured that all programs meet state procurement requirements.  CEO was formed as a compliance vehicle, so managers, executive directors and buyers can remain compliant while still accessing a cutting-edge energy management platform.

As a Public Benefit Corporation, CEO is very familiar with compliance-related reporting. Whether it’s reporting to Energy Star or submitting HUD or State requirement reports, we automate this for members, saving time and money.

Terms & Conditions

Best Contract Terms and Conditions means no unforeseen pass-through charges and loose contract language. Contract with confidence, assured that your supplier will fulfill their financial obligation.

Our legal counsel team has identified and worked with several ESCO’s to negotiate some of the most customer-centric contact terms and conditions available on the market. Whether it’s contracting power and gas, creative finance options, Solar PPA’s or ROI projects, our counsel and Board of Directors have negotiated the best terms and conditions available for members.


Membership Support and Service

You have a team dedicated to your account.

You no longer have to rely on a sales team from a supplier. All CEO members have a devoted guide to walk you through each and every opportunity and transaction.  

Your account lead is an industry veteran and market expert, while reporting and system integrations are led by one of the engineers on staff.  

Unbiased Advocacy:

CEO is a vehicle of tireless advocacy and a champion for our members. We hold our partners to the highest standards in the industry. Our model insures members are always receiving the lowest pricing and best terms available.  

The Difference

The costliest attributes of a consortium model stem from an “uncontested hunting license.”

Once a vendor/supplier is selected, they are then authorized to sign members up, yet, once endorsed, the suppliers and vendors are considered “trusted industry partners” and are typically uncontested when the final transaction is completed.  

This allows vendors to maximize their margins (hence the "hunting license").


Consulting and Strategy

A transaction-only approach coupled with a lack of product understanding and poor market timing can be resulting in overpaying anywhere from 10 to 40 percent.  

CEO aims to fix this. We see that this "hunting license" model has no value-add to the end user and is inherently priced higher. Essentially, municipal, government and nonprofit groups are paying more and receiving far less than private sector for-profit companies have been as a result.  


More Buying Power & Better Cost Control

Our partner, Best Practice Energy, has one of the largest platforms in the country, with billions of kWh and millions Dth under contract management. They have extended their clients' volume advantage to all Collaborative Energy Options members. This includes: access to a managed platform, best contract terms and conditions, energy legal counsel, compliance audit services, energy management consulting, and a team of experienced energy professionals and customer advocates.

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